Thursday, 12 November 2020

E-car: SALD battery enables a range of 1,600 kilometers with a 10-minute charging time

Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular. At least more and more consumers are daring to use hybrid systems. The all-electric would be the next step. A few more favorable circumstances should be created for this. A uniform billing system as well as shorter charging times, better availability of fast charging stations and a better range are desirable.

Charge a range of 2,000 km after 20 minutes

When it comes to the range of electric cars and the issue of faster charging of the batteries, the “new” SALD procedure can provide a remedy in the near future. At least that is what the Dutch startup SALD B.V. promises. SALD stands for the new battery technology Spatial Atom Layer Deposition. With this new process, a significantly higher capacity of the electric car batteries and also a higher charging

capacity can be achieved. In contrast to the conventional lithium-ion batteries, the first industrially manufactured SALD batteries should enable a range of 1,000 km. Larger batteries will then follow, which will guarantee an electric car range of 2,000 kilometers without recharging again. Not only the range is impressive compared to conventional, powerful batteries (600km for current Tesla models), but also the charging time of the batteries. According to the current press release from SALD B.V. this should be five times faster. According to the company, the battery with a range of 2,000 kilometers should be charged to 100 percent in 20 minutes and to 80 percent in ten minutes. These are absolutely amazing data. This means that an e-car can drive well over 1,000 kilometers with smaller batteries or even over 2,000 kilometers with larger battery packs without recharging, ”explains Frank Verhage, CEO of SALD BV.

Increasing the range of electric cars could also reduce the charging requirement, which in turn would also reduce the load on the charging stations. It is repeatedly criticized that there would not be enough charging stations if, for example, every second car user were to drive an electric car.

SALD batteries significantly reduce the use of cobalt, nickel and manganese

SALD B.V. has had its in-house process patented and would like to start mass production in 2021/2022. Thanks to this process, coatings can be produced that are just the thickness of a single atom. The whole thing can then also be implemented on an industrial scale. Excess material, which is currently still used in conventional batteries, can thus be significantly reduced. The electro-chemical processes in a battery take place exclusively on the material surface. The SALD process also significantly reduces the consumption of cobalt, nickel and manganese.

The SALD process is a further development of the atomic layer deposition (ALD) invented in 2008. This was mainly used in the production of computer chips. SALD is according to SALD B.V. for the development of batteries for electric cars, as the process is five to ten times faster. The Dutch have also developed a compact production machine that enables SALD batteries in a smaller format. Use in clothing, for example, should also play a role here in the future. The enrichment of smartphones and smartwatches is also conceivable: "Imagine a smartphone that lasts for a week and a smartwatch that only needs to be charged once a month," says Verhage with a look to the future. However, the focus is on the development of modern, high-performance batteries for electric cars.

“It is the same insight that the battery cells have to be fundamentally developed further by significantly improving the ion flow between the cathode and anode in order to achieve groundbreaking progress,” Verhage continues.

The industrial marketing of the new lithium iron phosphate-based batteries is to be carried out by SALD B.V. a spin-off from SoLayTec. The German Fraunhofer Institutes in cooperation with the Dutch state research institute The Netherlands Organization (TNO) played a key role in the development of the super batteries.

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