Time for professional online marketing
The situation in Germany and around the world is becoming more and more precarious. Not only the private sector suffers from this, but above all the commercial sector. Because shops are closed and the call for a completely shut down economy is loud again and again. Thus one has embarked on the path
For example, the online marketing group, ovk for short, shows that the digital advertising industry rose to net sales of EUR 3.61 billion in 2020. That is an increase of 8.6 percent compared to the previous year. This shows, on the one hand, how important online advertising is at the moment and, on the other hand, that a team like the one from performance Liebe is needed to implement marketing strategies. A team of experts helps to make plans and implement them. From link building to SEO and Google Ads to large-scale marketing campaigns with full support, individual projects are implemented in digital reality. This can help small and medium-sized companies to be successful not only at the moment, but in general.
Costs to get off to a good start
The decision to take the side of digitization perhaps only today does not just have to be well planned. It is also a question of funding. Because some factors are essential for a successful implementation. Nevertheless, digitization can still be implemented for relatively little money, especially locally. Since many SMEs are currently scaling down their digitalization ambitions to save avoidable costs, there is an inevitable opportunity for smaller retailers to gain a foothold in this area. There is also another argument for jumping on the digital train: Those who set the course now can also benefit from it in the years to come. After all, digitization is not limited to the current situation.
You generally need a certain budget to take the first steps. Around 3,000 to 4,000 euros have to be calculated for the web presence, some SEO and SEA work as well as the marketing strategy including advice and measures. However, the respective prices are closely related to the complexity of the tasks. If, for example, an online shop is to be set up that has a direct connection to the merchandise management system, it will be more expensive. Nevertheless, one should deliberately not let such hurdles hold you back. A good partner like the agency performance Liebe mentioned here will go into all points in detail and state the costs transparently so that an accurate calculation is possible.
The pivotal point is the data
It should be noted that an important factor for digitization for small and medium-sized companies is the data, or better, the data import. If these are available in table form and can be entered with description, price, etc., they are often easy to import. However, this is rarely the case in local retail. In addition, there are seldom pictures of the products, which makes implementation in an online shop difficult. However, this is essential for digitization.
The effort for the retailer is not insignificant in order to take high-quality pictures of his products or to have them provided professionally. Those who can rely on the help of their suppliers have a good chance of implementing digitization quickly and relatively easily. If these have to be created yourself, it makes sense to take care of them and the relevant data at an early stage. So this step towards your own online shop with a virtual presence is not necessarily easy, but it is highly likely that it will pay off in the long term.
In the end, digitization, like so many other things, is a challenge for entrepreneurs that is associated with a certain level of risk. Also from a purely financial point of view, the question must be asked whether the step towards digitization makes more sense in the end. Nevertheless, the chances are currently good to prepare a solid basis not only for current challenges, but also for the future. After all, the world is already massively influenced by virtual reality. A factor that is likely to grow considerably in the coming years.