Friday 2 July 2021

How Modern Technology Has Changed Our Lives

Smartphones, video conferences and digital audio books - thanks to technical progress, our everyday lives have already changed drastically. Modern technology influences, for example, how we communicate with one another, how we inform ourselves and how we work. And with the growing use of artificial intelligence and automation, there is still no end in sight to this development. Because what was thought to be inventions from a science fiction film ten years ago is already part of our reality today. But what exactly has changed?


The beginning of digitization was first felt in the world of work. This is not at all surprising. The free market economy is all about efficiency and productivity, so digital “novelties” like computers, electronic databases and websites selling products immediately caught on. In order not to be left behind by the competition, many companies had to adapt quickly, so that nowadays there is hardly a business without an online presence. However, the digitized world of work did not only bring financial advantages. It also gave employees the opportunity to work more flexibly, for example within their own four walls. Thanks to e-mail and video conferences, today's home office is not just something for the self-employed. Digitization also created many new jobs and new branches of industry such as online marketing or software and web development.


Whether we notice it or not, how we live has also changed in recent years. While the smart home used to be ridiculed and viewed as a gimmick for tech-savvy or lazy people, it is contemporary living today. Because with intelligent devices that are centrally controlled by the mobile phone, a lot of money and resources can be saved. That is why more and more homeowners are switching to smart heating systems that use less heat and thus protect the environment. Intelligent power strips, which switch off automatically when a device is not in use, also save electricity. Incidentally, many of them already have clever household appliances. The best examples are induction cookers or programmable dishwashers.


When it comes to entertainment, a lot has happened recently. This is particularly true of television. Modern people no longer rely on the offers available from TV stations, but put together their own "TV menu". Video streaming services such as Netflix allow selective entertainment, regardless of whether you are sitting on the couch at home or killing time at the airport. The same goes for music, of course. Fewer and fewer people are listening to the radio as music apps like Spotify offer a personalized selection of songs. Incidentally, technical progress has also revolutionized the gaming world, because video games are becoming more and more realistic. The best example here is PokerStars Vegas, which transports users to virtual casinos.


There are now a number of apps that enable easy communication with video. Of course, this is not only used in the world of work. Friends and relatives who live on other continents can easily meet and see each other virtually. And social media has a huge impact on how we communicate with one another. Whereas in the past you still had to write letters or look up a person's landline number to congratulate them on their birthday, nowadays we send a short message via services such as Facebook Messenger or Instagram. However, although the Internet connects in many ways, experts warn that online communication cannot completely replace interpersonal communication. This is mainly due to the fact that there are no non-verbal signals online, i.e. body language is missing.


It is not for nothing that it is said that we live in the information age. With a few clicks we are able to look up words, translate a sentence and get the latest news from distant lands. While this seemingly unrestricted access to information was once considered a positive side effect of the Internet, today we speak of a flood of information that can overwhelm and misinformation. It is therefore essential to deal critically with unknown sources. When it comes to continuing education, there are many reputable educational opportunities available on free e-learning platforms. More and more universities are also offering online courses aimed at working people.

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