Monday, 30 November 2020

Corona Christmas: The pandemic raises big questions for holiday planning

Are we going to see the grandparents? The way we celebrate Christmas this year is also dictated by Corona. What are our losses and our opportunities?

In the past few weeks, when our children asked if we were going to see their grandparents for Christmas, we always said: “We don't know.” And in my head - when I thought of Christmas myself - there was always a kind of white wall. Because it was clear that our plans and the way we can celebrate this year depends on Corona. About the dynamics of the number of infections and how politicians react to them.

The European Championship year 2021 with national coach Jogi Löw

The decision has been made: Even after the 6-0 draw in Seville, Löw will retain his position as coach and should lead the national team to success at the European Championships.

rankfurt / MainJoachim Löw is allowed to continue. The record national coach receives the trust of the German Football Association even after the historic 0: 6 defeat in Spain and should lead the national team to success at the European Championship in 2021. Together we are looking purposefully and focused on further preparations for the European Championship next year, announced the DFB after

The effects of the corona virus on the world of work?

How does the corona pandemic affect our working environment? Our new special study asks about the long-term social, technological and economic effects and focuses on the most important developments in organizations. How sustainable are the internal effects, how do political and economic decision-makers react?

Since the beginning of the year, the corona virus has been spreading around the world, teaching people that they are vulnerable and

Sunday, 29 November 2020

New corona rules: some contradictions are difficult to bear

Customers are strictly protected, school staff is of secondary importance. That is the realization of the state summit in the Chancellery.

For almost eight hours, the country leaders and the Chancellor discussed the continuation of the lockdown. The fact that this time the federal states prepared the Prime Minister's Conference with their own

Battery production in Europe is growing rapidly

European manufacturers want to increase production capacities at least tenfold over the next ten years. German car manufacturers are also planning cell production.

The supply monopoly for lithium-ion batteries is still in Asia. Significantly five companies from LG to Panasonic supply

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Tesla: Battery factory in brings another 10,000 jobs

For its Gigafactory in Brandenburg, Tesla will need more than 20,000 employees over the next few years. This is not a sure-fire success.

When Arne Christiani was re-elected mayor of the Brandenburg municipality of Grünheide in September last year, the place was not exactly a hotspot for employment. At that time there were almost 3,000 jobs subject to social security contributions in the entire district, most of them in trade, in the catering and service sectors. But now Christiani is mayor of a small community in the Löcknitz valley that is preparing to become the new Wolfsburg in the state.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Robots can help in a pandemic, but unfortunately they often have weak points

Cyber criminals manage to manipulate the machines in such a way that they spy on their behalf or even attack people.

Berlin The corona pandemic is accelerating automation. In hotels, robo-butlers bring towels and toothbrushes to the rooms. Disinfection robots clean floors and surfaces in hospitals. And in restaurants, robot

What is a data center?

A data center is a physical location - usually a building - that houses IT and computing services and infrastructure. To put it more simply: a data center is a physical place for storing and computing data.

Why data centers are important?

Most businesses need to store data - be it for their emails, websites, online transactions, etc. - and it can be stored on a server.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

New satellite is to record the rise in sea level with millimetre precision

The polar ice caps are melting, the sea level is rising. A new satellite will take a very close look at the oceans. But its start is delayed.Sea level rise is one of the greatest threats posed by climate change. The European Space Agency (ESA) said in a press release that this rate of increase has increased over the past 25 years. In order to keep an eye on what is happening, the world's oceans must be constantly monitored. For this purpose, a new earth observation satellite is now to be launched. It bears the name "Sentinel 6 Michael Freilich" and is supposed to map 95 percent of the ice-free oceans every ten days and provide essential information for ongoing oceanographic and climate studies.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

The Milky Way has absorbed other galaxies

A space telescope helped reconstruct the collisions that occurred six to eleven billion years ago.

According to astronomers, our Milky Way has swallowed up several large galaxies over billions of years and has grown significantly as a result. A German-British research team has now reconstructed this process using so-

On the way to the nanocarrier: Researchers are realizing molecular telegraphy

Nanotechnology is an area in which great strides can still be made. Significant advances have been made in this area in the last few years, but we are still a long way from scientific dreams like nanofactories. One problem with this is that nanomachines are currently difficult to control. Researchers at the University of Graz have now succeeded in transporting a molecule in a targeted manner over a longer distance to a destination.

Innovative roll display: This smartphone enlarges the screen at the push of a button

Smartphone manufacturers always have to reconcile two opposing wishes. On the one hand, the device should be as small and handy as possible so that it can be taken anywhere without any problems. At the same time, a screen that is as large as possible is advantageous if there are many visual presentations. The Korean Samsung group responded by introducing a foldable mobile phone. The Samsung Galaxy Fold has

Monday, 23 November 2020

Looking to the future: ESA is working on a digital twin of our earth

The corona pandemic has once again proven that humans can only look to the future to a very limited extent. Because scientists had for a long time generally warned against such a danger. However, they could not say when, where and how the crisis would occur. When the coronavirus actually spread from China all over the world, many states were insufficiently prepared. The European

Artificial Intelligence: The Power of Technology.

Europe would do well to take digitization and artificial intelligence seriously. Negative examples from other countries also show that personal rights must be preserved.

Artificial intelligence already permeates many areas in everyday life.

The European Union finally seems to have understood that artificial intelligence will be the next big thing in digitization. Or actually already is. In any case, the EU Commission

3D printing: 15 micrometers small Star Trek spaceship moves autonomously through liquids

The development of 3D printers in recent years has been quite impressive. It has thus been possible to depict ever finer and more complex structures. A few years ago it was considered a special feature that a simple funnel could be printed on site on a US aircraft carrier. Even Formula 1 teams are now using the technology to try out new ideas immediately. Researchers at

Saturday, 21 November 2020

With mini reactors: Joe Biden is also betting on a comeback of nuclear energy

The Russian nuclear power plant "Akademik Lomonossow", which is on a ship, is sometimes viewed very critically by international observers. For example, Greenpeace speaks of a "Chernobyl on the water". However, it is not only the idea of ​​building a nuclear power plant on a boat that is interesting and novel. Rather, it is one of the first designs of a so-called Small Modular Reactor (SMR). In a sense, this is the idea of ​​a decentralized supply with nuclear

SpaceX successfully brings astronauts to the ISS

In 2011, the American space shuttle Atlantis docked with the ISS for the last time. Then NASA stopped operating its own space shuttle fleet. Since then, astronauts and materials could only be brought to the international space station using Russian Soyuz rockets. However, this dependence should only be of a temporary nature. Because at the same time the US government commissioned Boeing and SpaceX, two private companies, to build corresponding space shuttles. Nine years later, the United States has regained the ability to get astronauts to the ISS. Because the first regular manned flight of the spacecraft "Crew Dragon" developed by SpaceX went

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Robots are becoming more collegial, intelligent and digital

Nearly two million industrial robots are expected to be installed in factories around the world between 2020 and 2022. The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) shows the most important trends in innovation. These are: simplification of programming and operation, collaboration and digitization.

These 12 technology trends will shape companies in 2020

Technologies change the modern world of work like no other influencing factor. Accordingly, it is important to closely monitor current developments for companies. Innovative technologies reveal enormous potential for optimization, particularly when it comes to increasing efficiency. In addition, the constantly changing customer needs require a continuous adjustment of one's own business models. This means that companies have to drive the digitization of their own business through the introduction of innovative technologies. Find out which trend technologies will be particularly relevant in the coming year.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Wind Energy 2020

Further reducing the electricity production costs remains a major challenge for the wind industry. Schaeffler bearings with higher reliability and economy make a valuable contribution here. At WindEnergy 2020, Schaeffler presented innovative products with increased service life and integrated sensors, as well as digital services for the optimized operation of the systems.

Reliability - Made by Schaeffler

Economical wind turbines need reliable components. As one of the world's leading rolling bearing manufacturers and development partner in the industry, we have been producing bearings for wind turbines for over 30 years. We offer the right storage solution for every wind turbine and a holistic concept for safety:

  • Wind power standard
  • Optimal design with ultra-modern calculation and simulation programs
  • Realistic tests on Schaeffler ASTRAIOS
  • Innovative solutions against white etching cracks
  • High system availability through condition monitoring

We offer services and products related to condition monitoring to increase the availability of wind turbines. This includes, for example, remote monitoring and diagnosis, offline measurements, endoscopy, thermography and torque measurement.

Applications and Products

Rotor shaft

The bearing of the rotor shaft is of central importance. All the forces generated by the wind act directly here. The rolling bearings are exposed to highly dynamic loads and operating conditions. Together with the customer, Schaeffler develops the most efficient storage in each case.


Increasing megawatt outputs require larger and more powerful transmissions. However, the operating conditions for rolling bearings in gearboxes of wind turbines cannot be compared with those in stationary gearboxes.


Generators in wind turbines are exposed to high vibration loads. This additional continuous load has a particularly negative effect on the cages and stresses the lubricant used.

Wind tracking and blade adjustment

Wind turbines have to adjust their alignment optimally to the wind in order to avoid extreme loads and to work economically. Modern systems are automatically tracked by active systems with azimuth motors and gears.

Simulation, calculation and test

Our specialists work closely with developers, manufacturers and operators of wind turbines. State-of-the-art calculation and simulation programs ensure the optimal design of the wind power bearings: from the individual roller bearing and its components to the adjacent construction to the complete drive train, which is mapped and optimized with specially developed multi-body simulation programs.

Top 10 The best football boots 2020

Football boots - each of you needs them and each of you has at least one pair at home. And each of you has probably already dealt with the question of which kick shoe suits you best. With the large selection of models, it is easy to lose track. In this article we want to give you an overview of the best and coolest models that are currently on the market. At the end of our ranking, we will also choose the best football boots of 2020. For the top 10, we spoke to many experts and top football players and tested them ourselves. This soccer shoe comparison will definitely help you when looking for new soccer shoes!

Development of wind energy technology

The technical development of wind power plants in Germany in the last 20 years has mainly concentrated on the construction of ever larger plants. After the development from small (50 kW to 150 kW) to medium-sized wind turbines (500 kW and 600 kW) in the 80s and early 90s, the development of the megawatt class began in the early 2000s. This triggered a rapid technical development. The largest systems currently available on the market have generator outputs of over 7.5 MW. Such a system

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

10 technology trends you should know in 2020

The market research company Gartner Inc. meets once a year to bring together the most important technology trends for the coming year. In the opinion of the experts, we can expect a few superhuman changes in 2021.

Digital progress is changing the demands on consumers, employees and entrepreneurs. If you don't want to be left behind, you have to continue your education. You should know these 10 IT trends today:

Covid-19 pandemic Social robots could help with isolation in lockdown.

Social robots could serve mentally vulnerable people as a society during the Covid-19 lockdown and reduce the consequences of social isolation.

According to a study by the German Depression Aid Foundation, social isolation and the lack of daily structure affect mainly depressed people. The general population also suffers from the lockdowns that are necessary due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Monday, 16 November 2020


2020 has already brought many big changes - lockdowns in the corona crisis in particular have intensified existing digital marketing trends. Read here what that means for the near future in customer acquisition via online channels.

First of all we have the top online marketing trends for 2021 as a list:
  1. Shoppable posts on Instagram
  2. Voice Search SEO Tactics

Friday, 13 November 2020

New bioreactor produces green gas with early stage microorganisms

A new type of biological plant in Ibbenbüren has now fed the first green methane into the natural gas network. Raw materials are water, green electricity and carbon dioxide, which comes from a biogas plant. Instead of a chemical conversion process that takes place under high pressure and relatively high temperatures, the developers at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and the Ostbayerischen Technische Hochschule Regensburg rely on the oldest living creatures in the world, archaea, also known as primeval animals. They only need a few nutrients to convert the raw materials. Particularly high pressure is also not necessary, and at 60 degrees Celsius the process temperature is moderate. This means that the energy consumption is low. In addition, the microorganisms are tolerant of contamination. Only oxygen has to be reliably kept out.

Industrie ist mit von der Partie

Biologische Methanisierungsanlagen betreiben bereits das Martinsrieder Unternehmen Electrochaea und MicrobEnergy in Schwandorf. Mit dem Bioreaktor, in dem die Umwandlung von Wasserstoff und Kohlendioxid in Methan stattfindet, sind sie allerdings nicht sonderlich zufrieden. Hier kommen die Forscher aus Bayern ins Spiel, an ihrer Spitze Professor Michael Sterner, der in Regensburg lehrt. Mit seinem Team hat er, begleitet von den beiden Unternehmen, die für eine Nutzung in Frage kommen, im Rahmen des Projekts Orbit einen so genannten Rieselbettreaktor entwickelt, der eine um 20 Prozent höhere Effektivität hat als der bisher genutzte Rührreaktor, schätzt Sterner.

Industry is involved

The Martinsried company Electrochaea and MicrobEnergy already operate biological methanation plants in Schwandorf. However, they are not particularly satisfied with the bioreactor, in which hydrogen and carbon dioxide are converted into methane. This is where the researchers from Bavaria come into play, at their head Professor Michael Sterner, who teaches in Regensburg. Together with his team, accompanied by the two companies that are eligible for use, as part of the Orbit project, he has developed what is known as a trickle bed reactor, which is 20 percent more effective than the previously used stirred reactor, says Sterner.

Intimate contact with the archaea

In a trickle reactor, hydrogen and carbon dioxide are injected from below. The liquid in which the archaea are located trickles from above. The freshly generated methane escapes upwards and is so pure that it can be fed into the grid straight away. The process ensures intimate contact between the gases and the microorganisms and thus a better conversion of the starting gases into methane.

Electricity for gaps in green generation

With the phasing out of nuclear energy and coal-fired power, the need to provide energy for lulls, nights and days with little sunshine increases when wind and solar power weaken. Building batteries on a large scale is too expensive. That is why many scientists and electricity suppliers prefer power-to-gas technology. With green electricity, water is split into water and oxygen. Hydrogen and carbon dioxide can be converted into methane, which is fed into the grid. If there is a lack of electricity, it can be used to generate electricity. There are, however, two problems: Germany cannot produce enough green electricity by far. And a lot of energy is lost in the double conversion.

Electric drone with fuel cell on board: New reconnaissance aircraft can stay in the air for hours

If you have good ears you will hear a faint whirring sound. Seconds later, the reason for the noise can be heard. A powerful drone approaches the aft deck of the naval ship, stops, slowly sinks down onto the swaying planks, and lands safely. The engines of the three-meter-wing aircraft that has returned from a three-hour "excursion" stop.

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Cycling holidays as a corona trend: expert tips for a successful tour

With the plane into the sun, that has been done for most of the people this year. Corona is a clear line on the bill for many holidaymakers, about every second German will spend the summer at home this year. In order not to just sit around in their own garden, many people use their bikes to enjoy nature and explore new areas. The Saxon company Pendix, manufacturer of electric motors for bicycles, interviewed experts on this subject to find out how modern cycling holidays work.

Expert advice before the tour saves trouble

Interview partners were Maik Herkelmann from bicycle outfitter Herkelmann and Nele Steurer from Radweg-Reisen on Lake Constance. Herkelmann reports on how the focus of his company has increasingly shifted from racing bikes to high-quality touring bikes over the years. He explains that

Computer game addiction: who is falling for it - and who is immune?

Gaming Disorder is the name of the new disease that will be represented in the WHO international medical classification system from 2022. Not every professional agrees that computer game addiction is an independent diagnosis. But if you keep your eyes, you will mostly discover a few people around you who can hardly give up their digital games. Who is particularly prone to sinking into the virtual game land?

More personalized and targeted: How advertising is changing

The commercials and advertisements of the good old days worked according to the watering can principle: on the radio, on TV programs or on billboards, hardly any consumer could escape them. But like the rest of the world, the success story of the Internet has also fundamentally changed advertising over the past few years. How does good advertising work today?

E-car: SALD battery enables a range of 1,600 kilometers with a 10-minute charging time

Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular. At least more and more consumers are daring to use hybrid systems. The all-electric would be the next step. A few more favorable circumstances should be created for this. A uniform billing system as well as shorter charging times, better availability of fast charging stations and a better range are desirable.

Charge a range of 2,000 km after 20 minutes

When it comes to the range of electric cars and the issue of faster charging of the batteries, the “new” SALD procedure can provide a remedy in the near future. At least that is what the Dutch startup SALD B.V. promises. SALD stands for the new battery technology Spatial Atom Layer Deposition. With this new process, a significantly higher capacity of the electric car batteries and also a higher charging

OnePlus takes a risky step: The first smartwatch has a big surprise in store

Very few expected this: For its first smartwatch, manufacturer OnePlus is taking a risky step that could ultimately decide between success or failure. There are enough daunting examples, even from industry giants like Samsung.It has long been clear that OnePlus is working on its own smartwatch. The Chinese-based manufacturer is now even heating up the rumor mill itself, most recently with interesting sketches of what a first prototype from 2016 should have looked like. More important than the design

Old Idea Reissued: A Magnetic Levitation Train from the Airport.

The construction of the new Berlin airport was accompanied by numerous breakdowns. The opening had to be postponed several times. Now it actually seems to be finished. Full commissioning is planned for autumn. The city is already thinking about how the existing connection to Schönefeld Airport can be further improved. The most interesting proposal so far comes from the Berlin CDU: They want to build a magnetic levitation train to connect the airport and city center.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Technology is the set of knowledge and techniques that are applied in an orderly manner to achieve a certain objective or solve a problem.

Technology is a response to man's desire to transform the environment and improve his quality of life. It includes knowledge and techniques developed over time that are used in an organized way in order to satisfy a need.

What is technology used for?

Technology is one of the four factors of production along with capital, land and labor. Man uses technology to satisfy his needs, which may involve transforming his environment, solving problems, increasing efficiency, improving aesthetics, etc.

International energy transition: Germany and Denmark are networking their offshore wind farms

For a long time, offshore wind turbines were considered complex and expensive. In some cases, the operators received a guaranteed remuneration of 14.5 cents per kilowatt hour, while the electricity itself could be marketed for just a few cents. The systems built at that time are still used as money printing machines. In the meantime, however, the tide has turned for new systems.

Monday, 9 November 2020

10,000 square kilometers: a huge Australian solar farm is to supply Singapore with electricity

The title “largest solar farm in the world” has been passed on regularly in recent years. Because the cheaper the solar power became, the more it pays to build ever larger systems. In the north of Australia, however, completely new standards could be set once again. There, an area of ​​10,000 square kilometers is to be equipped with solar modules on a former cattle station in the outback. The area is ideal for such use: it is very flat and there are rarely clouds in the sky. In addition, the area is located near a railway line. This makes it easier to transport the materials needed for construction. If everything goes

Boom Supersonic: The first prototype of the private supersonic aircraft will arrive

Aircraft manufacturers are currently struggling with massive problems. Because in the last twenty years airline orders have skyrocketed year after year. Accordingly, Airbus and Boeing have greatly expanded their production capacities and have also asked their suppliers to do the same. The corona pandemic then brought this development to an abrupt end. Because the airlines cannot fly, they cancel orders and ask for a delay in acceptance. Despite this difficult environment, the US startup Boom continues to

Microsoft's underwater data center proves successful

More and more data has to be processed and stored worldwide. Accordingly, more and more data centers are required. From an environmental and climate perspective, this is not necessarily a good development. Because the data centers consume a lot of energy and have to be cooled around the clock. At Microsoft, which requires a lot of computing power for its in-house Azure cloud, a somewhat unusual idea came up as part of the so-called ThinkWeek: Why not just sink the data center into the sea

Boom XB-1: This is what the prototype of the first private supersonic aircraft looks like

The timing is not exactly ideal: in the middle of what is perhaps the greatest crisis in private aviation, the startup boom is presenting the prototype of a new aircraft. This is due to significant delays. Because the concept behind it was presented around four years ago. The maiden flight was actually planned for 2017. Now the engineers actually seem to be ready. Because with the Boom XB-1, the miniature version of a supersonic aircraft has now been presented. The plane is around 21 meters long and has a

Important milestone: Virgin Hyperloop completes its first test drive with people on board

Josh Giegel and Sara Luchian could have made transportation history. After around 400 unmanned test drives, Virgin Hyperloop has now dared to take the next step: On the company's own test track in Las Vegas, the two managers boarded a specially built transport capsule and completed the first ever manned Hyperloop drive. Special safety precautions were not necessary for this. The two test subjects neither wore designated protective clothing nor did they complete any special training. Of course, they were buckled up. The safety measures are therefore comparable to those on a roller coaster ride. This is

Kingston FURY Beast DDR5 RGB RAM Introduced

Kingston today introduced its new FURY Beast DDR5 RGB memory. The Kingston FURY Beast family is the first DDR5 module to break the 10,000MT/...